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A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

Chelsea Wood

Chelsea Wood, Opinion Editor

           Chelsea is a journalism major who has been with The Oak Leaf for two semesters and is now the Opinion Editor. She’s completed almost every journalism class and will be graduating SRJC with a journalism certificate Spring 2018. She will transfer to Humboldt State University in the fall to complete here bachelor’s degree. After college she plans on becoming a travel journalist who will cover culture, cuisine, female roles and rights as well as the environmental states of the places she visits.

                                                                                                       In her free time she enjoys acrylic painting, some of which she gives away as part of the Sonoma County Instagram event, Free Art Friday an online art scavenger hunt where local artists are able to hide art and post clue pictures for the public to find. She also loves spending time with her four cats; Tofu, Shumai, Loki and Lily as well as crappily singing in the car, shower and pretty much anywhere people aren’t around.

All content by Chelsea Wood
Profanity: Read between the lines

Profanity: Read between the lines

Chelsea Wood, Opinion Editor
April 29, 2018
Illustration by Rachel Edelstein

Summer cuts or ulterior motives?

Chelsea Wood, Opinion Editor
April 2, 2018
GIF by Rachel Edelstein

Just the Tip: The “R” word

Chelsea Wood, Opinion Editor
February 14, 2018
Cricket flour made out of wheat flour, malted barley flour and cricket powder.

Entomophagy: The next buzz in food

Chelsea Wood, Opinion Editor
January 30, 2018
Illustration by Rachel Edelstein.

Breaking the chains of oppression

Chelsea Wood, Staff Writer
December 12, 2017
Courtesy of Google Images

A connected disconnect

Chelsea Wood, Staff Writer
November 16, 2017