Santa Rosa Junior College’s Student Government Assembly met Monday and discussed sending SGA representatives to this May’s Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) assembly in Sacramento where community college students have a formal means of affecting state policies that affect California students.
Zack Miranda, student government coordinator and SGA adviser, estimated the trip to cost up to $12,000, including room accommodations and COVID safety protocols. District approval is still needed to allow members to attend.
Executive Vice President of Legislation Matti Cotrell also raised concerns about other college’s vaccine mandates.
“Some schools don’t [have] mandates, so that’s something to think about,” they said.
The motion to attend the general assembly was pushed back to next week’s meeting.
SGA members appointed President Delashay Carmona Benson to lead the hiring committee to fill the vacancy left behind by Anetra McCartney, former SGA student trustee.
“I want to make sure this person is the right fit,” said Carmona Benson of McCartney’s replacement.
SGA members also approved funding to provide one copy of “Robert’s Rules of Order” for each assembly member after they ran out last year. The manual provides rules for parliamentary procedure.
“I am one of the beneficiaries of this because I have never touched a copy,” Cotrell said.
SGA’s next meeting will be held at 3 p.m. Jan. 7 via Zoom.