SRJC students respond to lockdown after Ridgway shooting
About the Contributors

Edgar Soria Garcia, Magazine Editor
Edgar Soria Garcia is in his final semester at The Oak Leaf; he is the magazine editor for Spring 2020. He hopes to transfer to Cal State Fullerton in the fall to get his bachelor’s in journalism. Edgar would describe himself as Shangela acting as Jennifer Lewis on Snatch Game (Rupaul’s Drag Race). Edgar is known for quoting Suga Free: “If you stay ready, you ain't got to get ready.”

Jose Gonzalez, Multimedia/ Spanish Editor
Jose Gonzales is a Journalism major in his fourth year at Santa Rosa Junior College. In his 5th semester at the Oak Leaf, Jose is Multimedia and Spanish editor. Jose faces difficulties with writing, but compensates with his multimedia editing skills. Even with his writing difficulties he still strives for success and self-improvement. Jose will be the first of his family to graduate from college with an Associates degree and hopes to find a job in the Entertainment industry that will pay him enough to take care of him and his family.